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Ministry Resource Centre
22 Plantation Street MENORA WA 6050

Mail to 
PO Box 458 DIANELLA WA 6059

Phone: +61 8 9471 8500


Office Hours: Tues, Weds, Thurs 9am-3pm




      Bethanie Group

      Bethanie is a respected, Western Australian provider of aged care and retirement living services. Bethanie offer Retirement Villages, Affordable Housing, Social Centres, Community (At Home) Care, Wellness Services and Residential Aged Care in safe and attractive hostels and nursing homes. Bethanie aged care services are well located in accessible areas across the Perth metropolitan area, and in Geraldton, Yanchep, Bunbury and Eaton.



      Bethesda’s Organisation established for charitable purposes and as a public benevolent institution for the relief of poverty, sickness, suffering and helplessness and to provide holistic care without discrimination. Today, Bethesda Hospital conducts its operations with a modern and sustainable business approach, leveraging off its strong Christian-based values, and keen to further extend the work for which it was established.


      Churches of Christ Sport & Recreation Association (CCSRA)

      Churches of Christ Sport and Recreation Association Inc has been operating since 1991 and was formed out of a long term association between Churches of Christ in Western Australia and the sports of Basketball and Netball. The Association was incorporated prior to a joint venture with the then City of Wanneroo to build the Warwick Leisure Centre. Now Warwick Stadium, it has been the trading and operational centre of the organisation and we are currently operating with some 375 teams in Sports (Basketball, Netball, Volleyball, Tennis, Badminton) and some 70 Leisure Courses per term. All of this adds up to a potential ministry field of some 5000 people per week. Our philosophy of Sport and Leisure Ministry refers everything we do back to the local church in the local community in which they “live and move and have their being”.


      Churches of Christ financial services

      CCFS exists to support church growth and development through innovative, competitive and cost effective financial and related services tailored to the unique needs of Christian mission.

      We do this through providing:

      •  loans for church growth
      •  term debentures for investing in church mission
      •  complimentary services for churches, departments and agencies

      Crossways Community Services

      Crossway Community Services is dedicated to meeting people at their point of need. Our professionally trained counsellors apply their knowledge of psychology and biblical principles to serve individuals, couples, and families. It is our conviction that God loves every person so much that He makes restoration available in every life situation.


      Global Mission Partners (GMP)

      Global Mission Partners (GMP) is a Christian international mission, aid and development organisation committed to facilitating life-changing partnerships. GMP began work in 1891 and is part of Churches of Christ in Australia. GMP understands that mission must work with what God is doing and in partnership with local people. This means we focus on partnerships with churches and agencies overseas, linking them with partners in Australia.


      initiate australia

      Initiate Australia’s goal is sustainable development with the world’s poorest individuals, families and communities both within Australia and overseas. By investing in local initiatives they empower local individuals, families and communities to alleviate poverty. They are committed to resourcing and empowering local people in their communities. They desire to break unhealthy dependence and together with their partners are committed to long term impact.


      Moorditj KEILA

      The Moorditj Keila South Perth Aboriginal Community Group began over a decade ago with a group of dedicated local Aboriginal people who wanted to deliver a range of activities that would support and encourage individuals, especially children. Moorditj Keila delivers a program for NAIDOC week and collaborates with the City of South Perth on the Aboriginal content of it’s annual South Perth Fiesta.

      Shalom House

      Shalom House is a men’s residential Rehabilitation Centre located in the heart of the Swan Valley in Perth WA, only 23 kms from the Perth CBD. Their focus is on bringing restoration to the lives of men and families in the community. They offer a holistic rehabilitation program while actively functioning within the community, their program is practical and hands on. They offer our services to anyone with a life controlling issue, whether it be addiction to substances such as drugs and alcohol or people with anxiety, fear or emotional trauma. At Shalom House Rehabilitation Centre, Perth, residents always come first in the service provided, they do what ever they can to provide a safe place for men to restore their lives.


      Sonlife ministries

      Sonlife Ministries exists to be a conduit of resources to release Christ Centred Ministries. Sonlife Ministries was founded in 1989 by Dr.John Bond as a result of his itinerant ministry as an evangelist and leadership consultant. Sonlife provided governance and accountability for John’s passion which was in local church ministry, evangelism and teaching and equipping God people.



      We aim to provide hope for young peoples’ futures by helping them achieve their best at school, create positive relationships and contribute to their communities. Our mission is to express God’s love and presence in educational communities throughout WA.


      Cosmos alliance

      Based in Perth, Western Australia, Cosmos Healthcare works closely with strategic partners to provide better access to a range of primary health, health education and community development services for disadvantaged rural communities in developing world contexts.


      Australian College of Ministries

      Over 25 years ago, the Australian College of Ministries made the shift from being a campus-based college to a dynamic and flexible online-learning community. We developed a ground-breaking transformational adult-learning approach providing flexibility to choose a pathway of engagement that suits your personal needs and learning style and where your place of work or ministry is your campus.


      Blue Sky Pilbara

      Life & Sharing Journeys: of Culture, of Faith, of Respect, of Learning. Red Dirt Blue Sky and Blue Sky Pilbara. Together these two entities provide holistic and therapeutic response to serving, empowering and tackling complex issues facing the Martu of the Western Desert.


      Riverview Church

      Riverview Church is a large, contemporary, multi-cultural and multi-generational community of Jesus-followers. Whilst Riverview is and will remain an independent church, both organisations recognise the potential benefits of strategic partnerships across the body of Christ in our city.

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