
Subi Renew

Subi group

The need for serious improvements to the Subi Church building has been evident for years but the opportunity to rebuild has not been present, until recently.

Late last year, we had the opportunity to step out in faith and trust the Lord to accomplish what He has put on the hearts of the Subi Church leadership. We saw the hand of God guiding us in several ways. Initially, when the design plans received unanimous approval from the local  council. Secondly, when 94% of our congregation voted in favour of the redevelopment plans. In the third place, when the Australian Tax Office endorsed us to receive gifts that are tax deductible to donors for a large portion of this project. Finally, we saw God’s guiding when the congregation wholeheartedly donated pledges to finance this multi million-dollar project.

Our vision for the building campaign, which we named “Subi Renew”, is to provide a 21st Century facility to serve our church family and community for many generations to come.

Subi Renew will see the building surrounding our current auditorium rebuilt, to provide us with a more welcoming presence to encourage people to enter our Church and subsequently enter into fellowship. The larger foyer area will facilitate community and will also be better able to usher people into the presence of the Lord.

The new building will be better equipped to teach and train the next generation of Christian leaders. It will have purpose-built kids ministry activity rooms custom designed for different age groups and include increased security, safety and convenience.  The upper level of the new building will house a large multipurpose hall that can be used for kids and youth ministry, as well as host seminars. Last but not least, the new open plan offices for pastors and ministry staff hopes to increase information flow and efficiency among staff in order to better serve the needs of our congregation.

The work on the new building has just begun. It is expected to be completed in the later half of 2016. During this time, we look ahead in anticipation and excitement for the work that the Lord will do through us and in us.

In the words of the Chairman of the Board of Elders, Joseph Tan, “This is a time of renewal and spiritual adventure – a time of stepping out and trusting God.”

Photos: (1) Subi congregation after the Celebration Service, committing to Subi Renew. (2) Impression of the new building to be finished later half of 2016